Infertility is an emerging problem in the 21st century. Not only are families choosing to have children later in life, modern day stresses and chemicals may make it difficult to conceive. Sometime even achieving a healthy diet, weight, and exercising routine is not enough. In Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) we look at infertility as a symptom of the bodies overall vitality. Regarding infertility among both men and women, the body is usually dealing with another internal imbalance. For example, in women of child bearing age, it is usually the Kidney and Conception Channels that are stagnant or deficient if they cannot easily conceive.
Many signs of stagnation or deficiency can manifest as poor circulation in general; cold hands or feet, low energy, poor appetite or memory. Spontaneous sweating can be another indication of poor health. For women, irregular menstrual cycles is another sign of inconsistent energy in the Conception Channel. Along with a hormone level analysis and physical from your medical doctor, we can further deduce which Channels are affected. Once the meridians are balanced, fertility should also return to normal.
At ANHC, we specialize in finding where the channels are having issues. Commonly seen problems range from Uterine Fibroids, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Endometriosis, Amenorrhea, to irregular cycles and hormone imbalances. Do not be discouraged by these diagnoses. According to TCM the body has a high potential to rebalance itself.
The miracle of life is no small feat. It requires everything to be in place for a healthy pregnancy. Even after the embryo develops, there are still many factors that can influence both the mother and the developing child. The development of an embryo can be a complex subject even for a micro biologist so how does a 4,000 year old medicine practice understand it?
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, similarly to Western Medicine, the traits of life can be passed down from parent to child. Energy that is especially influenced by parents is called the Prenatal Qi or Yuan (Source) Qi. Prenatal Qi is formed at conception and is fixed in quantity. It cannot be added to but can be conserved if used more resourcefully. This Qi is housed in the Kidneys. The quality of the Prenatal Qi will determine the overall constitution and vitality of an individual.
If the parents do not have a very healthy lifestyle then the amount of quality Prenatal Qi that passes down is minimal. For this reason it is highly recommended for parents to be in tip top shape before trying to achieve a baby. At ANHC, we specialize in recognizing which channels need to be rebalanced to help parents and their growing baby to obtain optimal health.
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
The procedures for In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) can be a long and dedicated one. Each IVF attempt takes an average of 7,000-8,000 dollars and takes a full menstrual cycle to complete. For many it can even be an anxiety ridden process requiring multiple re-dos. The whole procedure is very invasive and disruptive to the mother's body as a whole. Especially after fertility medications and egg cell retrieval, the body may go under some level of internal stress. Without acupuncture, the success rate for women under 35 years old is around 30%-40% making it quite common for mothers to not cary to term or even past the first few month. Research have found that acupuncture and herbs not only improve successful implantation rate but also live birth rates.
In ANHC, we can pin point where the mother is having difficulties in her meridians. We then use herbal formulas and acupuncture to promote steady health and support for the growing fetus. Many mothers have successfully carried their babies to term using our treatment methods. This process both nourishes both the mother and the fetus, allowing the body to heal in an all natural and non invasive way.
Malposition of Fetus
Malposition or breech of the baby is also commonly seen in acupuncture treatments. The sessions usually occurs closer to the due date in order to prepare baby and mother for the safest delivery. A research done among 48 cases of breeched fetuses, 39 cases were able to be corrected using acupuncture.
If you are interested in this relaxing, natural and effective method of rotating the baby into position, contact ANHC today.
Natural Induction of Labor
When the time for labor is near but is not starting on its own, acupuncture is able to help the mother’s energy circulate. It can also help push the Qi downwards to help allow the baby to make his or her appearance smoothly and quickly.
The University of North Carolina found within a study of 56 women at 39.5 to 41 weeks pregnant, 70% of the women who got acupuncture went into labor on their own. Half of the woman who received standard care had a rate of 50%. They also found that women who received acupuncture were also less likely to deliver by c-section (39% compared to 17%).
For mothers at full term, it usually should take no more than 1-4 acupuncture treatments before labor occurs. Many mothers have delivered their babies overnight after only their 1st session.